if you were to store game player information, what data structure would you use?

A information structure is a detail way of organizing data in a computer then that information technology can be used effectively. In this article, the real-time applications of all the information structures are discussed.

Application of Arrays:

Arrays are the simplest information structures that store items of the same data type. A basic application of Arrays can be storing data in tabular format. For case, if nosotros wish to shop the contacts on our phone, and so the software will simply place all our contacts in an array.

Some other applications of the arrays are:

  1. Arrangement of the leader-board of a game can be done simply through arrays to store the score and arrange them in descending order to clearly make out the rank of each player in the game.
  2. A simple question Paper is an array of numbered questions with each of them assigned some marks.
  3. 2nd arrays, usually known as, matrices, are used in image processing.
  4. Information technology is too used in spoken communication processing, in which each spoken language signal is an assortment.
  5. Your viewing screen is also a multidimensional assortment of pixels.
  6. Book titles in a Library Direction Systems.
  7. Online ticket booking.
  8. Contacts on a cell phone.

Application of Strings:

  1. Spam email detection.
  2. Plagiarism detection.

Application of Matrix:

Matrix is an ordered collection of columns and rows of elements. It is necessary to enclose the elements of a matrix within the brackets.

Some applications of a matrix are:

  1. In geology, matrices are used for making seismic surveys.
  2. Used for plotting graphs, and statistics and besides to practise scientific studies and research in almost dissimilar fields.
  3. Matrices are also used in representing real-world data similar the population of people, babe bloodshed rate, etc.
  4. They are the best representation methods for plotting surveys.

Awarding of Linked Lists:

A linked list is a sequence information construction, which connects elements, chosen nodes, through links.

Some other applications of the linked listing are:

  1. Images are linked with each other. So, an image viewer software uses a linked list to view the previous and the next images using the previous and side by side buttons.
  2. Spider web pages can be accessed using the previous and the next URL links which are linked using a linked list.
  3. The music players also utilize the same technique to switch between music.
  4. To keep the track of turns in a multi-player game, a circular linked list is used.
  5. MS-Paint drawings and shapes are continued via a linked listing on canvas.
  6. Escalators — Circular linked List.
  7. Each of the lines of code in an IDE internally is a record on a doubly-linked list.
  8. Left/Right swipe on Tinder uses a doubly-linked list.
  9. Social media content "feeds".
  10. Used for symbol table management in a designing compiler
  11. Used in switching between applications and programs (Alt + Tab) in the Operating system (implemented using Circular Linked Listing)
  12. Train coaches are continued to one another in a doubly-linked list fashion.
  13. Information technology can exist used to implement Stacks, Queues, Graphs, and Copse.

Application of Stack:

A stack is a information structure that uses LIFO order.

Some Applications of a stack are:

  1. Converting infix to postfix expressions.
  2. Undo/Redo button/operation in word processors.
  3. Syntaxes in languages are parsed using stacks.
  4. It is used in many virtual machines similar JVM.
  5. Forrard-backward surfing in the browser.
  6. History of visited websites.
  7. Bulletin logs and all letters yous get are arranged in a stack.
  8. Phone call logs, E-mails, Google photos' any gallery, YouTube downloads, Notifications ( latest appears get-go ).
  9. Scratch carte's earned after Google pay transaction.
  10. Wearing/Removing Bangles, Pile of Dinner Plates, Stacked chairs.
  11. Changing wearables on a cold evening, first in, comes out at last.
  12. Last Hired, Offset Fired - which is typically utilized when a company reduces its workforce in an economic recession.
  13. Loading bullets into the magazine of a gun. The concluding one to go in is fired commencement. Bam!
  14. Java Virtual Car.
  15. Recursion.
  16. Used in IDEs to check for proper parentheses matching

Awarding of Queue:

A queue is a data structure that uses FIFO order.

Some applications of a queue are:

  1. Operating Organization uses queues for job scheduling.
  2. To handle congestion in the networking queue can exist used.
  3. Information packets in communication are bundled in queue format.
  4. Sending an e-mail, it will be queued.
  5. Server while responding to request
  6. Uploading and downloading photos, first kept for uploading/downloading will exist completed first (Not if there is threading)
  7. Nearly net requests and processes use queue.
  8. While switching multiple applications, windows use circular queue.
  9. In Escalators, Printer spooler, Car washes queue.
  10. A circular queue is used to maintain the playing sequence of multiple players in a game.
  11. A queue can be implemented in - Linked List-based Queue, Assortment-based Queue, Stack-based Queue.
  12. Uploading and downloading photos, beginning kept for uploading/downloading will be completed first (Non if at that place is threading).

Priority Queue:

  1. Process scheduling in the kernel.
  2. Priority queues are used in file downloading operations in a browser

Application of Sorting Algorithms

  1. Guild things by their value.
  2. Backend Databases (Merge Sort).
  3. Playing Cards with your friends (Insertion Sort).
  4. sort() - uses IntroSort (a hybrid of Quicksort, Heapsort, and Insertion Sort), Faster than qsort()

Application of Graph:

Graph is a data structure where information is stored in a collection of interconnected vertices (nodes) and edges (paths).

Some applications of a graph are:

  1. Facebook's Graph API uses the structure of Graphs.
  2. Google's Noesis Graph also has to practise something with Graph.
  3. Dijkstra algorithm or the shortest path showtime algorithm as well uses graph construction to find the smallest path between the nodes of the graph.
  4. The GPS navigation system also uses shortest path APIs.
  5. Networking components have a huge application for graph
  6. Facebook, Instagram, and all social media networking sites every user is Node
  7. Data organization
  8. React'southward virtual DOM uses graph data structures.
  9. MS Excel uses DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs).
  10. Path Optimization Algorithms, BFS, DFS.
  11. Recommendation Engines.
  12. Scientific Computations, Flight Networks, Page ranking.

Application of Tree:

Copse are hierarchical structures having a single root node.

Some applications of the trees are:

  1. XML Parser uses tree algorithms.
  2. The decision-based algorithm is used in machine learning which works upon the algorithm of the tree.
  3. Databases also use tree data structures for indexing.
  4. Domain Proper noun Server(DNS) as well uses tree structures.
  5. File explorer/my computer of mobile/any figurer
  6. BST used in computer Graphics
  7. Posting questions on websites like Quora, the comments are a kid of questions.
  8. Parsers(XML parser).
  9. Code Compression(zilch).
  10. DOM in Html.
  11. Evaluate an expression (i.e., parse).
  12. Integral to compilers/automata theory.
  13. To store the possible moves in a chess game.
  14. To shop the genealogy data of biological species.
  15. Used by JVM (Coffee Virtual Auto) to shop Java objects.

Application of Binary Search Tree:

  1. D Game Engine.
  2. Calculator Graphics Rendering.


  1. Used when there is frequent Insertion/Deletion and few searches.
  2. K -hateful Clustering using a red-black tree, Databases, Simple-minded database, searching words within dictionaries, searching on the web.
  3. Process Scheduling in Linux.


  1. More than Search and less Insertion/Deletion.
  2. Data Analysis and Data Mining and the applications which involve more than searches.


  1. Fast full-text search, used in virtually word processors.


  1. Dictionary application.
  2. Autocomplete feature in searching.
  3. Automobile-completing the text and spells checking.

Awarding of Hash Tables:

Hash Tables are store data in key-value pairs. It only stores data that has a fundamental associated with it. Inserting and Searching operations are hands manageable while using Hash Tables.

Some applications of a hashtable are:

  1. Data stored in databases is generally of the primal-value format which is washed through hash tables.
  2. Every time we blazon something to be searched in google chrome or other browsers, information technology generates the desired output based on the principle of hashing.
  3. Bulletin Digest, a function of cryptography likewise uses hashing for creating output in such a mode that reaching the original input from that generated output is nearly next to impossible.
  4. In our computers we take various files stored in it, each file has two very crucial pieces of information that is, the filename and file path, in order to brand a connection between the filename to its corresponding file path hash tables are used.
  5. Social network "feeds".
  6. Password hashing.
  7. Used for fast data lookup - symbol table for compilers, database indexing, caches, Unique data representation.
  8. To store a gear up of fixed keywords that are referenced very frequently.

Application of Heap:

A Heap is a special case of a binary tree where the parent nodes are compared to their children with their values and are bundled accordingly.

Some applications of heaps are:

  1. In heapsort Algorithm, is an algorithm for sorting elements in either min heap(the fundamental of the parent is less than or equal to those of its children) or max heap(the key of the parent is greater than or equal to those of its children), sorting is done with the creation of heaps.
  2. Heaps are used to implementing a priority queue where priority is based on the social club of heap created.
  3. Systems concerned with security and embedded system such every bit Linux Kernel uses Heap Sort considering of the O( due north log(due north) ).
  4. If we are stuck in finding the Kthsmallest (or largest) value of a number so heaps can solve the problem in an easy and fast manner.
  5. Used by JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to store Java objects.


  1. Dijkstra algorithm.
  2. Shopping on a tight upkeep just want to purchase gifts for all family members.
  3. Prim'south and Kruskal's algorithms are used for finding the minimum spanning trees.


  1. Used in applications like Google Maps to observe the shortest path in a graph.

PRIM'S and KRUSKAL'Southward

  1. Used for finding the minimum spanning trees.


A. Real-life examples

  1. In Google Maps to find the shortest path between the source and the serial of destinations (ane past one) out of the various available paths.
  2. In networking to transfer data from a sender to various receivers in a sequential manner.

B. Applications in Estimator science

  1. Multi-phase graph
  2. Traveling salesman problem
  3. Largest common subsequence – to place like videos used past youtube
  4. Optimal search binary tree- to become optimized search results.
  5. Unmarried source shortest path- Bellman-Ford Algorithm.
  6. Document Altitude Algorithms- to identify the extent of similarity between two text documents used by Search engines like Google, Wikipedia, Quora, and other websites.


  1. Suppose we are coding a chess-playing algorithm and at a sure point, the algorithm finds that a set up of steps fails to win. In this situation, the algorithm volition reverse back to the rubber state and endeavor another possible set of steps.
  2. Sudoku solver
  3. 2048 game


  1. Binary search tin can exist used in negotiations.
     If the seller has a price in heed but does not reveal it, yous can proper noun a depression bid, to which the seller will answer with a high ask cost. Y'all can and then raise your bid, and the seller can lower her asking toll. Since each of you has an platonic price in mind, the named bids and asks tin be roughly halfway toward the cost desirable by each side. This is not exactly the binary search algorithm, but very much in the spirit of binary search.
  2. Hashmap has its internal implementation in the AVL tree.



Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/real-time-application-of-data-structures/

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